Wednesday, September 9, 2009


This is my maiden post on Blogger and I hope it is going to be as exciting for me here as it has been on Live Spaces. I am not feeling very well today and I have given myself a break from field work. I have visited a doctor and nothing has been found to be medically wrong with me except fatigue. I have a long journey, though, tomorrow to the Southern Sudanese border town of Nimule to appoint a distributor of Vision Group products there.
I did jog a bit this morning despite the general body pain, especially in the neck. Hopefully, I will be ready for the MTN Kampala Marathon due in November if I can successfully adjust to my work schedule here that is a bit unlike that in Eastern Uganda where I could literally train from any town that I slept in and the work was less stressful. Here in northern Uganda, things are quite different as the towns are so far apart from each other, making difficult for me to have ample rest. The environment in the towns too, especially Lira, my current station is not very conducive for Jogging.
The roads in town are potholed and often crowded especially in the evening. I have not seen a serene place out of town yet where I could stretch my training to. Somehow, I hope to get around the conditions here and get myself fit for the half Marathon.

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