Wednesday, September 23, 2009

To N From Kampala

I had quite a good time in Kampala during the two days for the monthly meetings at head office and Saturday home with my little family in Entebbe. I made the most of the time for our little boy Emitono, cuddling and teaching him to walk. Emitono is taking a bit long to learn walking. He can walk with support and without support, though. Probably it is his weight delaying him to walk but I believe he could do better with a little more training, unfortunately I am not always there for him.
I left Kampala on Sunday morning with a few trees plants from the nurseries for my garden back home in the village. It was a lovely cool morning as you might tell from the photo above. It had rained the previous evening and the sky was clear with a fresh breath of air unlike the past three days that had been very hot. And it was even more lovely to receive a new camera that got me immediately back on the photography track. I had waited for it all weekend long, hoping to capture some moments with sonny but it did not arrive in time. I am looking forward brisk season of shooting, though, this rainy season especially of my filed trips, Lira and my gardening back home in the village.
Two weeks ago, goats entered the church I was praying from and they wondered about the phew before going out. I wondered whether they had come to offer themselves willing sacrifices or some other thing they were up to. Anyway, I missed to capture the moment on camera just like I have missed many more in the time I have been without a camera.
I am back in lira having come over from Tororo Monday morning with my pick-up truck full of newspaper stands for various outlets in Lira town. It has been a very busy two day for me and I will be on the road to the next two days that will see me in Lira, Dokolo and Amolatar district rural outlets. Hopefully, I will be able to get back to the village for the weekend for some tree planting and gardening.

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