Thursday, March 4, 2010


The weather is very dull today and that in a way describes how I am feeling now. Dull and uninspired, kind of depressed but I am reading Rich Dad, Poor Dad for some inspiration. In some very clear ways , I have so far seen a picture of myself in some financial aspects the book attempts to tackle. I am three quarters done and probably by 2am tonight I should be done.
I have been in Entebbe since Sunday when I had hoped to return to Tororo by last Monday morning. Much of my time has been spent with Emmy who has been quite a handful. Today, though, I am out and about in Kampala catching up on a few things. It has been raining here since morning and it has been quite a bit to around but somehow I have been able to do all that I had on my schedule.
The village has catching up with me occasionally despite being more than 200km away from home.Some of the agricultural projects that I iniated recently in my backyard have gone terribly wrong and the folks in charge just give a break from the calls announccing this and that number of chicken have so far died.
As much as I had not intended to stay long in Entebbe, at least I needed a break from the activities and concerns in the village. But the bad reports have continued to flow unabated. The other day, to keep the call s to a minimum, I told one of my assistants that just let the chicken die because not all will die, for every business there is a loss and a profit column and there is a risk. If we wont risk, them we wont move, fo it is said that in life there are risks and the greatest risk of all is never taking any risks. Some of my folks suggested treturning the chicken back to seller but unfortunately they were sold to us on non-returnable basis. And in any case I am still hopefull that something good will come out of the project anyway. Thity per cent of the stock may die but ther will be lessons to be learned and more calculated risks to take.
If I were to listen to all the advice the folks around me give, I would never ever make any move in life. Every body wants to play it safe. Every venture that I suggest has an element of risk and nobody around me feels comfortable taking any risks not realizing that living itself is a risk. If we fear to fall we wont walk and if we fear to die we may not as well live.