Tuesday, December 1, 2009

A New Day Has Come

It is a new day, a new life, a new challenge and an opportunity for me to turn my life around. I was finally handed ,y dismissal letter from the New Vision Printing and Publishing Company. It was dismissal without pay with effect from November 24, 2009 even though it took them nearly another week to hand over the letter to me.
Well, I am on the street now and I am certain of what the future holds for me but I am certain, though, that God holds the future and I can rest assured that "All things work together for good to them that love God and are called of his purpose." - Romans 8:28. Joseph was put in a pit, sold, put in Jail but his dream never died and he finally said to his brothers that they meant for evil but God meant it for good ... Genesis 50:20. I believe that nobody can curse the one God has blessed; so will it be for me in Jesus' name. Amen.
As it is said that the darkest hour is just before dawn, the sun will rise and shine again for me.